The Universal Camera Mounting Adapter [Patented ] is more than an all purpose camera adapter.
It is a platform on which both the spotting scope and camera can be placed. Totally flexible, absolutely rigid, built to hold large loads, you won’t find an adapter like this. No other adapter has the capacity to hold both the scope and camera, and yet be flexible enough to be attached on a telescope.
It allows the use of any type of camera, [35mm, digital cameras with fixed lenses, video cameras, CCD cameras, any camera] with any type of eyepiece [regardless of size] on a telescope. Using a camera with a lens for astrophotography through a telescope is known as afocal photography. This is combining the camera lens with an eyepiece on a telescope, to acquire an image. While there are some adapters that will permit attaching various types of cameras to eyepieces and telescopes, adjusting the distance between the lens of the camera and the eyepiece can be difficult if not impossible or impractical, but not with the UCMA. One of the unique things about this adapter is that it is totally flexible in adjusting the distance between the camera lens and eyepiece. Between the camera lens and the eyepiece there is a specific area that will provide the optimum imaging results. This area is commonly referred to as the spot zone. The spot zone is where the image formed by the eyepiece will occur. And for fixed lenses on cameras or even non-fixed lenses, one must place the entrance pupil of the camera lens within this zone. If one does not place the entrance pupil of the digital camera [as an example] within this zone, shading can occur on the image, a dark round spot can occur, and color imbalance can occur at various places on the image |
The UCMA is modular.
The Rail and Camera Platform can be quickly removed for changing out eyepieces, or for checking the focus of the eyepiece.
The Camera Platform is unique in that once you have it centered for a camera, you are done and it will be ready the next time you want to do some imaging, you won’t have to re-center it each time you go to use it.
And if you have more than one camera that you wish to use, additional Camera Platforms can be used, one for each camera. So it makes changing from a digital camera to a video camera or to a 35mm film real easy.
The UCMA has three principal components, a Telescope Adapter, a Rail, and a Camera Platform.
The Camera Platform is where the camera or imaging device is mounted. And all that is required for a camera to be used on the UCMA is a ¼”-20 mounting hole or also called a tripod adapter. The Camera Platform slides on a Rail. The Rail is used for positioning the Camera Platform for image composition, or finding the spot zone. |
Use any eyepiece, any camera, even smart phone. Increase the FOV, [Field of View].
Support for spotting scopes and small telescopes.
Why risk damaging the spotting scope or small telescope with hanging a camera off of the eyepiece ?
Protect the spotting scope, eyepiece and focuser simply by mounting the small telescope onto an adapter that will hold and protect both the telescope and camera. |
Shown in these images the UCMA is holding both the spotting scope and camera. The UCMA is mounted on a typical camera tripod. |
SCT UCMA Version 1 |
Tripod mount UCMA Version 1 |
UCMA Modules, rail modules, scope mounting kits. |
Rail module UCMA kit 1 |
2.00" focuser module kit for the UCMA |
SCT Rear mount kit for the UCMA |
Click on picture below for page 2 of the UCMA |